
We’ve heard from many of you that it can be difficult to find the best resources to support you, your staff and your business during this uncertain time.  Here are a few resources you might find useful:

Wondering how to keep safe?

WHO has all the latest information and advice on protecting yourself and others from Coronavirus including personal hygiene initiatives, ways of managing stress during the outbreak, best practice for food safety and tips on how to stay well whilst travelling.

Additionally, here is the Coronavirus Guide for the F&B Industry by The World Association of Chefs’ Societies. This guide is specifically written to help people in the F&B industry reduce the risk of their businesses accidentally spreading Coronavirus (aka Covid-19). The suggestions here are low/no-cost and are generally good practice—they have also been evaluated by epidemiologists, public health experts, biologists, and doctors

Guidance from Sri Lanka

Additional COVID19 Resources

We have also compiled a variety of free resources, programs, virtual events and more to help you connect with the global community, build skills and prepare to advance in a post-COVID-19 world.

Need help finding resources? Have something to share?

We're here. Send us a message via Live Chat and our team will get back to you.